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Logical factual assumptions drawn from direct and circumstantial evidence. This includes the drawings of adverse inferences when a party fails to explain or...
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A situation arising in negotiating a collective bargaining agreement where the parties are unable to make further progress toward reaching an...
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A proceeding before an arbitrator at which parties present evidence and argument prior to a decision. Principles of due process, or basic fairness, apply at...

Grievant (Grievor)

The individual employee protesting an employer’s actions. An employee may file a grievance on his/her own behalf or the Union may file a grievance on behalf...
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A claim by a union or an individual that a term of the contract has been violated. In some settings an employer also can file a grievance. Grievances are...
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Front pay

An amount of money awarded a wrongfully treated employee to make the employee whole for the loss of future work opportunities due to the employer’s wrongful...
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Free speech

A constitutional protection that is the basis for employee and employer rights to express certain views.  This right may in some cases be limited by...
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Final and binding

A contractual agreement between parties submitting an issue to arbitration that once an award has been issued, its terms are final and binding upon both...