Rachel Elliott, 2L

Student Ambassador

School of Law

Contact Information

Email rmemyk@umsystem.edu

About Rachel Elliott

Hi, my name is Rachel Elliott and I’m a current 2L student at Mizzou! I’m originally from Norwalk, Iowa. I graduated from Kansas State University with a degree in Economics and minors in Leadership Studies and Business in May 2022 and came straight to Mizzou

I decided to come to Mizzou for many different reasons. When I visited Mizzou I immediately felt welcomed and that this school wanted to offer me a support system. I came here knowing no one and was still welcomed with open arms, quickly Mizzou has become a new home for me, the faculty and students truly care about you. Mizzou will set you on the right path to accomplish your goals and help you in any way possible

Choosing a law school can feel like an impossible feat, but when I came to Mizzou it all became so much easier. I’m hoping to help you in any way possible to make that decision easier and hopefully help you realize Mizzou can be your home too!