Official Notices from the University

The University makes every effort to notify students either individually or collectively of all matters pertaining to registration and pre-registration, payment of fines and fees, and other matters which affect students. In addition, offices of the deans attempt to notify students concerning graduation requirements and other matters pertinent to their progress toward graduation. Students have the responsibility to read all notices, and within a reasonable amount of time will be considered to have knowledge of all the matters contained in the notices. The University cannot assume responsibility for the non-delivery of mail or for the misplacement of written notifications in group housing. It is the policy of the University to retain, for a reasonable period, all letters returned for non-delivery by the United States Postal Service. If summoned by any University official or committee, a student must answer the summons within the time specified in the official notification. Students are responsible for promptly notifying the LLM Program AND the University of any changes in address and phone number.

Each LLM student is assigned a Mizzou e-mail account, which can be accessed through the general MU e-mail web access site. Some official notices from the LLM Program and Law School are delivered to students’ official Mizzou e-mail accounts. Students are expected to check these accounts at least several times a week, preferably at least once each weekday when classes are in session. These notices will not be sent to students’ personal or work e-mail accounts unless the students can demonstrate that they cannot reasonably access their official Mizzou e-mail accounts.