Expertise Guide: Arbitration ⋅ Page 1

Robert G. Bailey

Assistant Dean Emeritus, School of Law

Bob Bailey joined the Law School in 1979. He left full-time employment at the Law School from 1983-87 to serve as Municipal Judge for the City of Columbia, while continuing to work at the Law School part-time. In 1987 he returned full-time to the Law School and now serves as Assistant Dean Emeritus and CSDR Senior Fellow. He directed the…

Richard C. Reuben

James Lewis Parks Professor of Law, Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution

Professor Reuben is coauthor and executive editor of one of the country’s leading Alternative Dispute Resolution casebooks, Dispute Resolution & Lawyers(5th ed. 2014) (with Leonard L. Riskin, Chris Guthrie, Jennifer K. Robbennolt, and Nancy A. Welsh). He is also developing a new Administrative Law casebook for West Academic’s Interactive Casebook series that is expected to be ready for use in…