Randy Diamond Publications

Academic Journals

Advancing Public Interest Practitioner Research Skills in Legal Education, 7 NORTH CAROLINA JOURNAL OF LAW & TECHNOLOGY 67 (2005)

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Professional Journals

Let’s Teach Our Students Legal Technology… But What Should We Include? with Darin Fox, Kenneth J. Hirsh, Heidi Frostestad Kuehl, and Michael Robak, 23 AALL SPECTRUM 23 (2018).

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Professionalism in Librarianship: Shifting the Focus from Malpractice to Good Practice with Martha Dragich, 49 LIBRARY TRENDS 395 (2001)

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Turning Online Time into “Quality Time”: Searching Ohio Case Law on LEXIS and WESTLAW, 12 LEGAL REFERENCE SERVICES QUARTERLY 77 (1992).

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