Category: Prof. Chris Wells ⋅ Page 1

Professor Angela Drake Wins Distinguished Faculty Award

Professor Angela Drake, director of the Mizzou Law Veterans Clinic, has been honored by the Mizzou Alumni Association (MAA) with the 63rd Annual Distinguished Faculty Award. This award honors one Mizzou faculty member each year for their exceptional contributions to the University’s growth and core mission, through their professional accomplishments, teaching and research excellence or service to the institution. Under…

Prof. Christina Wells Quoted in Springfield First Amendment Story

Christina Wells, the Enoch H. Crowder Professor of Law at Mizzou Law, was quoted last week by KY3 television news in Springfield, Missouri regarding the government’s ability to regulate profane and offensive political signs, especially with children present. “Use it as an opportunity to engage with our children. And it can be a talking point, to explain your values and…

Professor Wells Participates on Panel Discussing Historic First Amendment Case

Professor Christina Wells was a panelist for a recent discussion on the Tinker v. Des Moines Supreme Court ruling at Central Methodist University in Fayette, Mo. The event was hosted by the communications department and the Ashby-Hodge Gallery of American Art as a 50th anniversary celebration of the ruling. The case revolved around an incident at a Des Moines, Ia.,…