Person: Paul Litton ⋅ Page 1

Paul Litton Named New Dean of the MU School of Law

University of Missouri Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Latha Ramchand announced today that Paul Litton has been named dean of the MU School of Law. Litton has served as interim dean of the school since July 2022, following the departure of Lyrissa Lidsky. He will assume his new duties on June 1, 2023. “In his 17 years…

Associate Dean Litton and Colleagues Publish Work on Moral Judgment

Associate Dean Litton and co-authors Philip Robbins and Fernando Alvear of Mizzou’s Philosophy Department have published their new set of studies on the relationship between perceptions of an agent’s life history and moral judgments of that agent’s conduct. In this article, Good Deeds and Hard Knocks: The Effect of Past Suffering on Praise for Moral Behavior, the authors focused on…