Austin Talir, 1L

Student Ambassador

School of Law

Contact Information


About Austin Talir

Hello! I am from St. Louis, Missouri and graduated from the UMSL/WashU joint engineering program with a degree in mechanical engineering in 2021. Before deciding to come to Mizzou, I worked for an electric motor company as an application engineer and worked directly with our customers in supplying motors of various size all over the world!

One of the reasons I chose Mizzou was that I plan to practice in IP/Patent law after earning my JD and there are several classes offered specifically geared towards these two fields as well as the Entrepreneurship clinic which offers hands on experience. I also remember thinking back on the tour I took when trying to figure out where I wanted to go and remembering how connected all the students seemed to be and how everyone seemed to care and after starting classes I can only say that this feeling has grown. I truly don’t know of anyone here at Mizzou who wouldn’t help you out with anything if you asked and this is especially true of our professors!