Law Library Policies

Law Library Policies

The Law Library’s primary mission is to support the teaching and research activities of the MU School of Law. The collection is also available to the University community, attorneys, and other people who have a need for legal materials. Due to limited seating, non-law students may not use the Law Library except when doing legal research.

Beverages, Food, and Tobacco

Food and drinks are allowed! Except when they are not…

  • No smelly food, please. The student lounge is a great place for this type of food and is just steps away from the library on the sub-plaza level.
  • No food at computer terminals*, and in the library stacks. We don’t want bugs.
  • Dispose of remnants responsibly. Again, we don’t want bugs.
  • Please report spills immediately to the circulation desk.
  • Smoking or other use of tobacco products is prohibited in any public facility in Columbia city limits.
  • Carrel/study room privileges may be forfeited after a student has received one warning for violation of the food, beverages, and tobacco policy.

*Except your own. Hey, it’s your dime, friend.

Personal Belongings

We know that you live in the library. We see your bunny slippers at your carrel. But be aware…

Personal property and study materials should not be left unattended on study tables or workstations when the owner leaves the library to attend class or for other extended periods. Library staff may remove these materials to maximize limited study space and computer access for all patrons.

The Law Library is not responsible for personal books, papers, laptops or other items left in the library. Tables are cleared daily. Assigned carrels and study rooms are cleared at the end of each semester.

Unfortunately, thefts do occur in the library. Please safeguard your belongings. Report thefts immediately to the circulation desk.

Use of Library Materials

Please do…

  • Reshelve your books.
  • Most Law Library books do not circulate. Please call missing or damaged books to the attention of a staff member so that they can be repaired or replaced.

Please don’t…


  • Remove or attempt to remove library materials, equipment or property without proper checkout or library authorization.
  • Fail to either renew or return library materials when due.
  • Conceal library materials in the Law Library for the exclusive use of an individual or group.
  • Mutilate library materials by marking, underlining, removing pages or portions of pages, removing pocket parts and not replacing them in their correct volume, removing binding or labeling, or in any other way damaging or defacing library materials.
  • Violate library food, beverage and tobacco rules.


Building and Library Equipment

  • Go to unauthorized areas of the Law Library, remain in the Law Library when requested to leave during emergency situations/drills, or fail to abide by Card Key access procedures relating to after-hours access.
  • Open emergency exits except in emergency situations.
  • Vandalize or deface the Law Library’s building, furniture or equipment.
  • Maliciously access, alter or delete, damage, or destroy any computer system, network, computer program or data.
  • Fail to observe University and Law School computer use policies.


Please don’t make us shush. We don’t like doing it.

  • All areas where study rooms and carrels are located are “Quiet Zones.” Students with assigned spaces who fail to abide by the “Quiet Zone” rules will forfeit their spaces.
  • Please keep all conversations quiet.
  • Please silence cell phones and make phone calls outside of the library.
  • Noise issues may be reported to the circulation desk. Patrons may be asked to leave if noise issues persist.


For students, the library is open 24 hours a day. For your safety and that of your colleagues (and your belongings), please do not allow anyone to follow you into the library after hours without swiping in with their ID.

Failure to Adhere to Rules of Conduct

Causing a disturbance or engaging in any behavior that interferes with the quiet and safe enjoyment of the Law Library’s facilities and services is prohibited. Proscribed behavior includes (but is not limited to) excessive noise, verbal abuse, threats of violence, or harassment directed at another person on library premises.

Any patron who violates any of the Rules of Conduct is subject to sanctions, including being asked to leave Law Library premises, being reported to campus police, and legal prosecution. Offenders are subject to loss of library privileges and may be in violation of the law school’s Honor Code. Not paying library fees may result in loss of library privileges.