Points of Emphasis

West Central Exit

In case of fire and after all occupants have been evacuated, the central stairs as well as the east and west (triple) entrance/exit doors, are to be kept clear, for firefighters and other emergency personnel needing access to the Hulston Hall.

The Elevator

All elevators automatically move to 1st floor and cannot be used for evacuation purposes and to ensure no one is stuck in elevators. Elevators are to be available for firefighters and other emergency personnel.

Assembly Areas

All groups should assemble either on the west (Alumni Center) side or east (courtyard) side of the building. Zone Team 1 and Building Coordinator/alternates will meet on the west side and Zone Team 2 and Building Coordinator/alternates will meet on the east side.

Zone teams will report any individuals refusing to leave the building, immediately to the Building Coordinator/alternates or proper authority.

Securing Work Places

If time permits, workplaces should be secured before evacuating. Special consideration should be given to locking or taking cash and other valuables.


All decisions to evacuate will be made by the Dean(s), Building Coordinator/alternates or proper authority. The “all-clear” to resume normal routines will be made by the proper authority.