
Law Library Faculty Services

The University of Missouri Law Library is dedicated to supporting the scholarship of our faculty. The following research and teaching services are available for Law Faculty.

  • Document Delivery  Law Library Reference Services obtains needed books and articles and delivers to Law Faculty.
  • SHB Research Associates Professors can request short term research assistance through the Shook, Hardy, and Bacon Program. Research assistants will be assigned in order of request received.
  • Research Support for your RA – The Law Librarians can train your Research Assistants in effective and efficient research techniques and provide them with added research support throughout the year as needed.
  • Librarian Liaison – Each Law Faculty member will be assigned a liaison to the Law Library who will assist them with all their research needs.
  • Current Awareness – The Law Library provides many options to keep up with current awareness. Contact Cindy Bassett to receive CILP Alerts and access online newspapers.
  • Guest Lectures from Librarians – Need to reschedule a class? Reach out to a Law Librarian to teach a research lesson in your class subject.
  • Course Reserve – If you have books you would like to have accessible to students on a limited basis, the librarians can place them in the Course Reserve section of the Reserve Room. Books can be made available for checkout from 2 to 24 hours.
  • Online Exams Bank – Please send any past exams you would like to make available to students to Laura Wilcoxon so they can be added to the Online Exam Bank.
  • Research Guides and Tutorials – Existing Research Guides can be found here. If you would like a guide to be created for your subject, or you want something added to a current guide, contact the librarians.