Abdulrahman Alzahrani
Reference and Electronic Services Librarian
phone 573-882-6488
email aalzahrani@missouri.edu
Royce de R. Barondes
James S. Rollins Professor Emeritus of Law
phone 573-882-1109
email barondesr@missouri.edu
Frank O. Bowman III
Floyd R. Gibson Missouri Endowed Professor Emeritus of Law
phone 573-882-2749
email bowmanf@missouri.edu
Andrea Boyack
Floyd R. Gibson Endowed Professor of Law
phone 573-882-0882
email aboyack@missouri.edu
Jennifer Riedy Clark
Senior Director for Career Development
phone 573-882-0940
email RiedyJ@missouri.edu
Randy J. Diamond
Teaching Professor of Legal Research Emeritus
phone 573-882-2935
email diamondrj@missouri.edu
Kellie Early
Director of Academic and Bar Support Services
phone 573-882-9630
email earlyk@missouri.edu
David English
William Franklin Fratcher Missouri Endowed Professor of Law
phone 573-882-6854
email englishda@missouri.edu
David Fischer
James Lewis Parks and Isidor Loeb Professor Emeritus of Law
email fischerd@missouri.edu
R. Wilson Freyermuth
Robert L. Hawkins, Jr./Dale A. Whitman Chair Emeritus
phone 573-882-1105
email freyermuthr@missouri.edu
David Gamage
The Law School Foundation Distinguished Professor of Tax Law & Policy
phone 573-882-2624
email dgamage@missouri.edu
Rafael Gely
James E. Campbell Missouri Endowed Professor of Law
phone 573-882-8084
email gelyr@missouri.edu
Christopher G. Hamm, Jr.
Adjunct Professor of Law
Chuck Henson
The David Ross Hardy Professor of Law and Trial Practice
phone 573-882-6799
email hensoncd@missouri.edu
Robert H. Jerry, II
Floyd R. Gibson Missouri Endowed Professor Emeritus of Law
email jerryr@missouri.edu
Martha Bradley Kleinhesselink
Staff Attorney | Instructor
phone 573-882-5733
email mmbn4m@mail.missouri.edu
Paul Ladehoff
Director of LLM in Dispute Resolution Program
phone 573-884-7813
email ladehoffp@missouri.edu
Thom Lambert
Wall Chair in Corporate Law and Governance
phone 573-882-6558
email lambertt@missouri.edu
Ilhyung Lee
Director of the Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution
phone 573-882-2426
email leeih@missouri.edu
Jennifer McGarr
Assistant Dean for Career Development and Student Services
phone 573-884-5177
email mcgarrj@missouri.edu
Chelseá R. Mitchell
Director of the Criminal Practice Clinic
phone 573-884-0946
email mitchellche@missouri.edu
Rigel Oliveri
Isabelle Wade and Paul C. Lyda Professor of Law
phone 573-882-5068
email OliveriR@missouri.edu
Shruti Rana
Assistant Provost for Strategic Faculty Initiatives
phone 573-882-8952
email srana@missouri.edu
Sarah Reesman
Director of Public Interest and JD Advantage Careers
phone 573-882-4157
email reesmans@missouri.edu
Alisha Rychnovsky
Manager of Business Administration
phone 573-882-3423
email rychnovskya@missouri.edu
Donald Seitz
Director of the Entrepreneurship Legal Clinic
phone 573-882-0316
email dseitz@missouri.edu
Cindy Shearrer
Associate Law Librarian for Collection Management
phone 573-882-1125
email shearrerc@missouri.edu
Erik Spence
Events and Alumni Relations Coordinator
phone 573-884-8930
email erik.spence@missouri.edu
JR Swanegan
Assistant Dean for Enrollment Management & Financial Aid
phone 573-882-6643
email amsfcf@missouri.edu
Rodney J. Uphoff
Elwood L. Thomas Missouri Endowed Professor Emeritus of Law
phone 573-882-3035
email uphoffr@missouri.edu
Christina E. Wells
Enoch H. Crowder Professor Emerita of Law
phone 573-882-8375
email wellsc@missouri.edu
Dale A. Whitman
James E. Campbell Missouri Endowed Professor Emeritus of Law
phone 573-397-2868
email whitmand@missouri.edu