Unit: School of Law ⋅ Page 5

Professor Oliveri writes about new Title IX rules in Ms. Magazine

Professor Rigel Oliveri recently co-authored with Professor Carrie N. Baker a piece in Ms. Magazine, “How Some Universities are Bypassing Trump’s New Title IX Rules.” The article examines the Trump administration’s new Title IX regulations rolling back protections for survivors of sexual harassment and assault at schools and universities that went into effect Friday, August 14. The article looks at changes…

Featured Alumnus: Chris Dunn

Chris Dunn, ’14, is the founder of GeoVelo, a multi-faceted business that creates geospatial forensic demonstratives among other geospatial business and legal intelligence services. He grew up around U.S. military bases while his father served in the U.S. Army, eventually moving to the Midwest to attend Kansas State University. After graduating with a BS and MS in geography and working…

Students participate in South Africa summer course via Zoom

Since 2004, Professor Rodney Uphoff has taken a group of MU law students to the University of Western Cape (UWC) in South Africa for a summer program comparing the criminal justice system in South Africa with that in the U.S. However, the coronavirus outbreak kept Prof. Uphoff and students from travelling to South Africa. Instead they took part in a…

Professor Trachtenberg to publish article on “Hiring and Training Competent Title IX Hearing Officers”

Professor Ben Trachtenberg will publish an article on “Hiring and Training Competent Title IX Hearing Officers” in the Missouri Law Review. The current version is available online at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3663503 In the article, Professor Trachtenberg argues that “American colleges and universities are not ready to comply with new Title IX regulations concerning campus hearings” which go into effect in August 2020. He suggests…

Professors Trachtenberg and Alexander Publish Free Criminal Procedure Casebook

Professors Ben Trachtenberg and Anne Alexander have published “Criminal Procedure: A Free Law School Casebook” with the CALI eLangdell series. The series includes casebooks made available at no charge for digital files, and at the cost of printing for paper books. Authors include faculty from law schools such as Yale, Texas A&M, and the University of Washington. The book is available now for…

Mizzou Law Welcomes Emily Danker-Feldman as Director of the Innocence Clinic

We are incredibly excited to welcome Emily Danker-Feldman to the Mizzou Law faculty this year as the new director of the Innocence Clinic. She has dedicated her career to assisting incarcerated people, working as an attorney at Rosenblum, Schwartz & Fry with a focus on state appeals and post-conviction cases and federal motions, sentencing and appellate practice before becoming a…

Romanian Law Journal Publishes Professor Abrams’ Article

Professor Douglas E. Abrams’ article, “Generalist Judges and Advocates’ Jargon,” appears in the current issue of the Romanian Judges’ Forum Review. The review is a multilingual journal published in Bucharest by the nation’s judges. Professor Abrams’ article originally appeared in the Journal of the Missouri Bar in early…

Professor Oliveri Receives UM System President’s Award for Community Engagement

Professor Rigel Oliveri is among the faculty members across the universities of the University of Missouri System to receive the UM System President’s Award for 2020. President Mun Choi presents these highly competitive annual awards to recognize faculty who have made exceptional contributions in advancing the mission of the University. President’s Award recipients will be recognized at a Board of…

Family Violence Clinic students successfully represent juvenile in court

On June 16, Rule 13 certified law students Carley Johansson and ‘Katie’ Walker-Williams appeared in Miller County Court for a Family Violence Clinic client. They sought third-party custody of a child who had been raped repeatedly by her father and had no other parent. The attention of all 35 people in the courtroom was riveted on Katie shortly after she…

Professor Henson honored with Diversity and Inclusion Award

Professor Chuck Henson is among the winners of the Missouri Lawyers Media 2020 Diversity and Inclusion awards. The awards recognize attorneys, firms and organizations, who are nominated by peers, for significantly advancing diversity, inclusion and the dignity of all people in Missouri’s legal profession and in communities in which exceptional legal work impacts justice for all. Four Mizzou Law alumni…