South Africa Program

Our month-long summer study abroad program in Cape Town, South Africa provides students the opportunity to gain an international, multi-cultural perspective. You be exposed to one of the world’s most fascinating new democratic regimes and will learn from professors from the University of the Western Cape and Mizzou Law.
Cape Town is one of the world’s most beautiful, vibrant and dynamic cities. Our field trips will provide sight-seeing opportunities around the whole region.
The summer study-abroad program in Cape Town, South Africa will consist of three two-credit hour courses in different areas of comparative law. The program runs from June 17 – July 19, 2025. The courses will be taught by faculty members at the University of Missouri School of Law and the faculty at the University of the Western Cape.
Why the South Africa Study Abroad Program?
- A special partnership between UWC and the University of Missouri dating back to 1986.
- Mizzou is the first American university to partner with a non-white South African university.
- Small classes with South African students and professors.
- Professor Rod Uphoff has directed the program in Cape Town since 2004.
- Optional specially priced safari trip to visit Kruger Park.
- Unpaid internship opportunities for students wishing to gain additional experience before the program.
The three courses will be taught by a combination of faculty members from the University of Missouri School of Law and the law faculty at the University of the Western Cape.
Students will reside in De Waterkant, one of Cape Town’s trendiest neighborhoods, and will be transported daily to their classes at the University of the Western Cape. Field trips to the Cape of Good Hope, the Stellenbosch wine region, and other scenic and historic locales are included in the itinerary. Learn more about traveling to South Africa and the program details.
South Africa Program Contact
Professor Rod Uphoff
213 Hulston Hall
Phone: (573) 882-3035
Dean Paul Litton
227 Hulston Hall
Phone: (573) 882-3247
Laura Coleman
206 Hulston Hall
Phone: (573) 882-5969
Financial Aid Questions:
Jeff Turnbull
Financial Aid Advisor
110 Hulston Hall
Phone: (573) 882-1383