Category: Prof. David Gamage

Feb. 13, 2025
George Washington Law professor to present in tax law colloquium
On Wednesday, February 19th, Jeremy Bearer-Friend (George Washington Law) & Sarah Polcz (UC-Davis Law) will present their draft paper – “Sharing the Algorithm: The Tax Solution to A.I.” – at the Mizzou Law Tax Policy Colloquium, from 2:00 to 3:15 pm Central Time. The Mizzou Law Tax Policy Colloquium is convened by Professor David Gamage of Mizzou Law. Most sessions will be open to guest participants via zoom, from 2:00 to 3:15 pm Central Time. This session will be open to guest participants via zoom. Anyone who would like to join as a guest participant should e-mail Professor Gamage directly at for details, the zoom login,…

Jan. 7, 2025
Mizzou Law launches tax colloquium course
When Mizzou Law professor David Gamage moved from Indiana University to the University of Missouri in January 2024, he knew he wanted to engage his students not just in traditional lecture-style classroom learning but also in applied discussions about real-world legal issues. “It’s beneficial for students to see cutting-edge research on applied topics and engage with that research and expertise in dialogue with a variety of leading law professors around the nation,” he said. “Colloquium style instruction is not a replacement for lecture-style courses, but brings law and application to life in a way for students to engage in…

Jan. 3, 2025
Professor Gamage ranked third all time in tax scholarship downloads
Professor David Gamage, the Law School Foundation Distinguished Professor of Tax Law & Policy, ranks third all time in the total number of SSRN downloads of his tax law scholarship. The updated rankings were released by Paul Caron’s TaxProf Blog at the end of 2024. As of Dec. 31, 2024, Professor Gamage’s total body of scholarship has been downloaded an incredible 130,870 times from SSRN. Professor Gamage also ranks 11th in total tax law scholarship downloads in the last 12 months.

Dec. 13, 2024
Professor Gamage Presents on Virtual Panel
Professor David Gamage presented on a panel for Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation (ICRICT) virtually. The panel was called, “Taxing the rich: a protocol on taxing the high-net-worth individuals [ chaired by Jayati Ghosh].”

Nov. 4, 2024
David Gamage presents at Florida Tax Review symposium
On Nov. 2, Professor David Gamage along with John Brooks from Fordham Law School, presented on their paper “Moore Questions, Some Answers: Fixing the Personal Tax System Despite Constitutional Constraints.”…

Oct. 21, 2024
Mizzou Law Health Law Colloquium: Professor Daniel Shaviro
Professor Daniel Shaviroof NYU Law will present his new draft paper, NEW FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE AND THE INCOME TAX’S ROLE AS A BACKUP HEALTH INSURANCE SYSTEM“, as part of the Mizzou Law Health Law Colloquium, on October 23, from 4:20 to 5:20 pm Central Time. The Mizzou Law Health Law Colloquium is convened by Professor David Gamage of Mizzou Law. Some of the speaker sessions will be closed to only Professor Gamage and his Mizzou health law students. Other sessions will be open to guest participants via zoom. This presentation will be open to guest participants via zoom. Anyone who…

Oct. 3, 2024
Mizzou Law to host preeminent scholar at Health Law Colloquium
Professor Barak Richman of the George Washington University School of Law and of Duke University, will present his new draft paper, “Hiding in Plain Sight: ERISA’s Cure for the $1.5 Trillion Health Benefits Market”, co-authored with Amy Monahan, as part of the Mizzou Law Health Law Colloquium, on October 9th, from 4:20 to 5:20 pm Central Time. The Mizzou Law Health Law Colloquium is convened by Professor David Gamage of Mizzou Law. Some of the speaker sessions will be closed to only Professor Gamage and his Mizzou health law students. Other sessions will be open to guest participants via…

June 20, 2024
Professor David Gamage Cited in Supreme Court Concurrence
Professor David Gamage was cited by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson in her concurrence to the decision in the Moore case that was issued on June 20, 2024. In her opinion, Justice Brown Jackson cited the amicus brief co-authored by Professor Gamage and John R. Brooks, which pointed out that an artificial limit on Congress’s taxing power appears nowhere in the Sixteenth Amendment. For more on the decision, visit:

June 13, 2024
Professor David Gamage has article reviewed on JOTWELL
Professor David Gamage recently had his article, The Original Meaning of the Sixteenth Amendment reviewed on the Jotwell blog. To read the full review, click here:…

June 3, 2024
Professor David Gamage presents and Northwestern conference
Professor David Gamage attended a conference for Tax Professors Tenured 1-15 years at Northwestern University, where he presented his recent paper “Money Moves: Taxing the Wealthy at the State Level, 112 Calif. L. Rev. __ (2025) (with Brian D. Galle (Georgetown) & Darien Shanske (UC-Davis).