Category: News

bradley craigmyle

March 24, 2025

Alumni Spotlight — Meet Bradley Craigmyle

By Anna Sago For Bradley Craigmyle ‘17, attending Mizzou Law was, at first, a question of value. As his legal career has continued, he has realized the true value of that choice. In February, Craigmyle was appointed to be Deputy General Counsel for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the federal agency that regulates communications by radio, television, wire and cable. He oversees all of the agency’s litigation Prior to that role, he worked as an attorney in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Department of Justice. Throughout his career, he has focused on administrative law. That interest was…

a photo of Rodney Uphoff

March 12, 2025

$1 million gift to support students in study abroad and public interest programs

As a part of the 2025 Mizzou Giving Day, Professor Emeritus Rodney Uphoff has given a generous gift of $1 million to Mizzou Law to provide important financial support to law students pursuing transformative educational and public service experiences. Professor Uphoff’s gift will create an endowment which will fund student participation in the South Africa study abroad program, offering scholarship support to law school students to help make this invaluable global learning opportunity possible. The Uphoff Scholarship program ensures that students with a passion for legal studies and international experiences can benefit from this unique opportunity.

zoom slide graphic with the title the future is now: exploring the role of ai in alternative dispute resolution with pictures of renee henson and naveen rau

Feb. 28, 2025

Professor Renee Henson Speaks on AI panel for ADR

Professor Renee Henson served on a panel with Mizzou Law 1L student Naveen Rau regarding the evolving role of artificial intelligence in alternative dispute resolution. During the presentation, the panel explored key concepts, including: The difference between rule-based algorithms (structured, deterministic models) and machine learning algorithms (adaptive, probabilistic systems.) The power and limitations of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, Gemini, and legal-specific AI tools such as Lexis AI and Westlaw AI. Ethical and confidentiality concerns in legal practice, including discussing ABA Formal Opinion 512. The potential for AI use in dispute resolution—how it can enhance preparation, strategy, and negotiation…

a photo of shruti rana

Feb. 27, 2025

Professor Rana presents at symposium

On Feb. 21, Vice provost and professor Shruti Rana participated in the Women’s Leadership in Law and Politics Symposium hosted by the Center for Constitutional Law & The Bliss Institute for Applied Politics, University of Akron, presenting on “Strategies for Enhancing Women’s Representation in the Judiciary in the United States: Lessons from International Fora”, see 

a photo of sandra sperino

Feb. 26, 2025

Associate Dean Sperino Quoted in Bloomberg Law

Associate Dean Sandra Sperino was quoted in Bloomberg Law on a story involving the US Supreme Court case Ames v. Ohio Department of Youth Services. To read the full story, visit:…

a photo of ryan snyder

Feb. 26, 2025

Professor Snyder Publishes Blog on the Dept. of Justice deal with Eric Adams

Professor Ryan Snyder recently published a new blog post on the Volokh Conspiracy blog on the U.S. Department of Justice deal with New York City Mayor Eric Adams. In his post, Professor Snyder argues that any quid pro quo deal with between the sides would be unconstitutional. To read the full post, visit:

a photo of andrea boyack

Feb. 25, 2025

Professor Boyack reviews article in JOTWELL

Professor Andrea Boyack recently published a review essay, “Äina Lost: Modern Justifications for Native Property Theft” in the JOTWELL blog. In her article, Professor Boyack reviews Ezra Rosser’s forthcoming article on property takings law and the historical indigenous property dispossession by the federal government. To read the full piece, visit:

austin siener, luke nutwell and eric siemens with judge doug ginsberg

Feb. 24, 2025

Mizzou Law team wins international moot court competition

Congratulations to the Mizzou Law team who won the Global Antitrust Institute’s annual moot court competition in Washington, DC! Austin Siener, 3L, and 2Ls Luke Nutwell and Eric Siemens defeated teams from around the world including Brazil, India and several top U.S. law schools! The Mizzou Law team survived six rounds of argument, including a final round judged by Judge Douglas Ginsburg of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (pictured); Bilal Sayyed, former director of the Federal Trade Commission’s Office of Policy and Planning; and Adam Cella, Chief Counsel for the Administrative State, Regulatory Reform, and Antitrust…

clinic director danielle dodd flanked by two students

Feb. 24, 2025

Mizzou’s Child and Family Justice Clinic serves community while shaping next generation of attorneys

by Sara Diedrich Contact: Sara Diedrich, diedrichs@missouri.eduPhotos by Abbie Lankitus When the Child and Family Justice Clinic (CFJC) reopened last year at the University of Missouri School of Law, it restored an invaluable training ground for future attorneys and a vital lifeline for families in the state. Law students once again had the opportunity to advocate for real clients, gaining hands-on experience while making a meaningful difference in the lives of others. There has been a growing movement in legal education to expand experiential learning, and Mizzou has long recognized its undeniable value to students, Paul Litton, dean of…

a photo of andrea boyack

Feb. 19, 2025

Professor Boyack publishes op-ed in KC Star

Professor Andrea Boyack, a consumer law expert, published an op-ed in the Kansas City Star this morning advocating for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau:…