Category: Prof. Wilson Freyermuth

May 29, 2024
Professors Mitchell, Freyermuth and Lietzan win 2024 Mizzou Law Faculty Awards
Each year, three faculty members receive Mizzou Law awards for their outstanding work: one for a scholarly work, one for teaching, and one for the administration of justice. The Husch Blackwell Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award is awarded for teaching excellence, and the recipient is chosen by the Missouri Law Review’s editorial board. This years’ awardee is Professor S. David Mitchell. In a nomination letter, the Missouri Law Review’s editor-in-chief wrote that Professor Mitchell “consistently show[s] acceptance for diverse viewpoints, and . . . encourage[s] his students to step outside of their comfort zones to expand their perspectives.” The Shook, Hardy…

Jan. 11, 2021
Professors Freyermuth and Trachtenberg elected to American Law Institute
Professor R. Wilson Freyermuth and Associate Dean Ben Trachtenberg were recently elected as members of the American Law Institute (ALI). They join 13 current or emeritus members of the Mizzou Law faculty who are ALI members: Larry Dessem, David English, William Fisch, David Fischer, Bob Jerry, Thom Lambert, Lyrissa Lidsky, Erika Lietzan, David Mitchell, Gary Myers, Phil Peters, Richard Reuben, and Dale Whitman. According to information on it website, the American Law Institute is the leading independent organization in the United States producing scholarly work to clarify, modernize, and otherwise improve the law. ALI drafts, discusses,…