The University of Missouri Law Library is dedicated to supporting the scholarship of our faculty. The following research and teaching services are available for Law Faculty.
The University of Missouri Law Library is dedicated to supporting the scholarship of our faculty. The following research and teaching services are available for Law Faculty.
Law Library Reference Services obtains needed books and articles and delivers to Law Faculty.
Professors can request short term research assistance through the Shook, Hardy, and Bacon Program. Research assistants will be assigned in order of request received.
The Law Library provides many options to keep up with current awareness, including CILP Alerts and access online newspapers.
The Law Librarians can train your Research Assistants in effective and efficient research techniques and provide them with added research support throughout the year as needed.
If you are unable to find and request a book through the Law Library Book Search, contact Abdulrahman Alzahrani, aalzahrani@missouri.edu, 573-882-6488 and he will request via OCLC. If you need a textbook review copy for a book you are considering adopting for a class, contact Cindy Shearrer, shearrerc@missouri.edu, 573-882-1125
Need to reschedule a class? Reach out to a Law Librarian to teach a research lesson in your class subject.
If you have books you would like to have accessible to students on a limited basis, the librarians can place them in the Course Reserve section of the Reserve Room. Books can be made available for checkout from two to 24 hours. Contact the Law Library Circulation Supervisor for assistance.
Please send any past exams you would like to make available to students to Abdulrahman Alzahrani so they can be added to the Online Exam Bank.
If you would like a guide to be created for your subject, or you want something added to a current guide, contact the librarians.
The Mizzou Law Library has an extensive collection of legal research databases and print materials for study and research in all areas of the law. We have a team of law librarians — several with law degrees — IT professionals and staff to assist you in accessing and using the library’s collection.