Welcome to the Law Library! We are excited to help you with legal research. Our librarians can help you access the legal research tools we offer and show you how to use them effectively.
Welcome to the Law Library! We are excited to help you with legal research. Our librarians can help you access the legal research tools we offer and show you how to use them effectively.
Students may book study rooms for a maximum of 10 hours a week, up to seven days in advance.
The Mizzou Law Library offers many study aids including electronic access to Aspen Learning Library, West Academic Study Aids, and CALI.
Some Mizzou Law professors choose to submit past exams for students to use as study aids. Contact Abdulrahman Alzahrani (aalzahrani@missouri.edu) for the password.
Archived and current issues of all Mizzou Law journals can be found here. Mizzou Law professors’ scholarship can also be found here.
If you are unable to find and request a book through the Law Library Book Search, contact Abdulrahman Alzahrani, aalzahrani@missouri.edu, 573-882-6488 and he will request via OCLC.
Mizzou Law conducts an annual One Read program in which law students, staff and faculty are invited to read a particular book that relates to law, the legal profession, or legal education, and touches on important issues of the moment.
The Mizzou Law Library has an extensive collection of legal research databases and print materials for study and research in all areas of the law. We have a team of law librarians — several with law degrees — IT professionals and staff to assist you in accessing and using the library’s collection.