News Archive

May 22, 2024
Professor Lietzan Speaks at Food & Drug Law Institute Annual Meeting
Last week, Professor Erika Lietzan spoke at the Food & Drug Law Institute’s annual meeting. Her talk discussed the Fifth Circuit’s Apter v. HHS decision (which relates to FDA’s famous “you’re not a horse” tweet.) The FDLI is a nonprofit membership organization for specialists in food and drug law, whether they are in private practice, industry, government, or academia. Professor Lietzan has held multiple leadership positions at the FDLI since the early 2000s, most recently serving on the committee organizing programs and publications to celebrate its 75th anniversary. Her talk on Apter focused mainly on sovereign immunity and…

May 8, 2024
David Gamage publishes two pieces on California’s budget deficit
Professor David Gamage, the Law School Foundation Distinguished Professor of Tax Law & Policy, published two new articles, Part I and Part II in a series, on the budget deficit faced by the state of California. In his articles, coauthored by Darien Shanske at UC-Davis School of Law, Gamage examines the budget deficit and proposes solutions. Both pieces serve as cover articles in different issues of Tax Notes States. Part I can be found here: and Part II can be read here:

May 2, 2024
Mizzou Law Announces Exciting New Faculty Hire
Officials at the University of Missouri School of Law are thrilled to announce a new hire that promises to bolster the Mizzou Law faculty this summer. Professor C. Eric Hintz will join Mizzou Law as an associate professor of law. He will begin work in Hulston Hall on July 1. Professor Hintz will be joining Mizzou Law from Shapiro Arato Bach LLP, a New York litigation boutique, where he has represented clients in criminal appellate, post-conviction, and civil litigation matters. Professor Hintz also currently serves as a Lecturer in Law at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School, where he…

April 22, 2024
Associate Dean Sperino Quoted in Forbes
Sandra Sperino, associate dean for research and faculty development, was quoted last week in Forbes on a story about Supreme Court expansion of employer risk of discrimination. To read her quotes and the full story, visit:

April 22, 2024
Professor Gamage presents two papers at UCI Tax Symposium
Professor David Gamage presented two papers he coauthored at the 6th Annual UCI Law – Taylor Nelson Amitrano, LLP Tax Symposium on April 18. Prof. Gamage’s papers, “What is Income Under the Constitution?” and “Money Moves: Taxing the Wealthy at the State Level” look at the constitutional definition of income and outline frameworks for state-level wealth taxes.

April 15, 2024
Professor Emeritus John Lande wins ABA award for scholarly work
On April 13, John Lande, the Isidor Loeb Professor Emeritus and former director of the LLM Program in Dispute Resolution at Mizzou Law, was awarded the American Bar Association Award for Outstanding Scholarly Work in Dispute Resolution. Professor Lande was given the award for his lifetime of scholarship which has contributed significantly to the dispute resolution field. Professor Lande’s scholarship focuses on dispute system design including practitioners’ and courts’ real practice systems, planned early dispute resolution, improving the quality of mediation practice, designing court-connected mediation programs, negotiation theory and practice, and legal education. Professor Lande blogged about his experience,…

April 9, 2024
Mizzou Law Raises Record $70,000 at 20th Annual Tim Heinsz 5K
Mizzou Law’s hosted the 20th annual Tim Heinsz Race on last weekend. Students, faculty, alumni and community members enjoyed clear skies, a catered meal and the usual lineup of foot and bike races all in support of student scholarships. This year’s race set a new record, raising over $70,000 across all of the events. Maura Corrigan, a 3L from St. Louis, served as a student organizer this year. She was inspired to volunteer her time by the lasting legacy of Dean Heinsz and Dean Devine, who she said made the Mizzou Law community what it is today. “I was prompted…

April 3, 2024
2024 CALI Award Winners
The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI) Excellence for the Future Awards recognize students with the highest grade in each course at Mizzou Law. Below are the CALI Award winners for the 2023 calendar year. SPRING 2023 Tate Cooper Emily Geissal Peyton Rosencrants Logan Moore Andrew Behrens Tyler Miller Lauren Nichols William Oelze Elizabeth Smith Hannah Eastland Alaina Valdes Matthew Swords Allie Widick Sidne Fonville Annaleigh Hobbs Mariana Larson Christian Witte Eric Humphrey Jared Gillen Kelly Hooper Eric Humphrey…

March 27, 2024
Professor Renee Henson Presents on AI at North Dakota Law Review Symposium
Renee Henson, visiting assistant professor of law at Mizzou Law, presented at North Dakota Law Review’s Symposium on Technology and Innovation at the North Dakota Law School. She presented her forthcoming article, Bridging the Divide: Does the EU’s AI Act Offer Code for Regulating Emergent Technologies in America? …

March 26, 2024
Professor David Gamage publishes forthcoming article on Sixteenth Amendment
Professor David Gamage has published an article in a forthcoming issue of the Washington University Law Review. Gamage’s article, “The Original Meaning of the Sixteenth Amendment,” he argues that according to the original meaning of the Sixteenth Amendment, current approaches to constitutional tax questions are wrong. He says focus of the Sixteenth Amendment and of the Congressional income tax power is not “income” per se, but rather “taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived.” The article was co-authored by John Brooks of the Fordham University School of Law. To read the full article, visit: