News Archive

Nov. 17, 2023
Mizzou Law Professors Quoted in ABA Journal
Mizzou Law professors Ben Trachtenberg and Richard Reuben were recently quoted in an ABA Journal article covering a recently disbarred Missouri attorney. Their quotes address ethical and legal questions surrounding the case of an attorney who broke local statute by remaining on a city council while no longer living within that municipality. “Not every lie is going to get a lawyer in trouble. There’s ordinary dishonesty, like telling your children there’s a Santa Claus, and then there’s deeper deceit, such as defrauding the public. That kind of deceit can get you in trouble even when you are acting…

Nov. 16, 2023
Professor Renee Henson Gives MOBAR CLE
This week, Professor Renee Henson gave a MOBAR CLE titled “Beyond the Bar: Putting Your J.D. to Use in a Non-Traditional Way.” More than 300 people in attendance. On the panel with her was Sen. Barbara Washington; Zora Mulligan, executive vice president of Missouri State University; and Jenna Worthen, CEO of James Martin Company and author of Mom Who Works.

Nov. 16, 2023
Classes of the 70s Show Out
An exciting upset against Tennessee wasn’t the only notable event in Columbia this Veteran’s Day weekend — Mizzou Law welcomed home alumni from the classes of the 1970s for a reunion on Friday and Saturday. The reunion featured a cocktail party, a tailgate, and walking tours of the law school’s former location, Tate Hall. Mizzou Law alumnus John Young ‘73, traveled to Columbia from Joplin, Missouri for the weekend. He said that he was excited to reconnect with classmates, especially given how long it’s been since the last reunion for his class. “It’s always fun to see people you went to…

Nov. 15, 2023
Professor David English Named to the Estate Planning Hall of Fame
David English, the William F. Fratcher Missouri Endowed Professor and the Edward L. Jenkins Professor of Law at Mizzou Law, was named to the Estate Planning Hall of Fame in a special ceremony on Nov. 14. Professor English is one of only seven estate planning professionals to receive this prestigious award in 2023, which is given annually in recognition of lifetime achievement and outstanding contributions to the practice and profession of estate planning within the professional disciplines of academia, accounting, insurance and financial planning, law, philanthropy, and trust services. The Estate Planning Hall of Fame is hosted by the…

Nov. 14, 2023
Ben Thomas ’73 and John Shaw ’77 given 2023 Faculty-Alumni Awards
On Nov. 10, Ben Thomas ’73 and John Shaw ’77 were two of 13 winners of the 2023 Mizzou Alumni Association Faculty-Alumni Awards. Alumni are chosen for this award for outstanding professional achievement and loyal, devoted service to their community and alma mater. Ben Thomas ’73, has been a staunch supporter since — contributing funds for necessary staff, mentoring students at the clinic, and speaking on behalf of the program at events for both alumni and veterans alike. Additionally, he has inspired major clinical projects, most recently involving a team of students dedicated to challenging the VA’s handling…

Nov. 8, 2023
Alumni Spotlight — Meet Skip Walther
Skip Walther’s attachment to Columbia and the University of Missouri began early — through selling carnations and cokes to Tiger fans on game days and watching his Uncle Butch preside over the Boone County Commission. So when it became time to choose a college, it was a no-brainer. “I never even gave it a second thought,” he said. “I just love this place.” Walther’s admiration for the practice of law, too, began in childhood. He frequently interacted with attorneys through his mother’s work as a legal secretary, through his uncle, who he describes as a “second father” while in junior…

Oct. 31, 2023
Judge Ginger Gooch, ’00, named to Missouri Supreme Court
Gov. Mike Parson has appointed Judge Ginger Gooch, ’00, to the Missouri Supreme Court to replace retiring judge Patricia Breckenridge, ’77. With Judge Gooch’s appointment, Mizzou Law alumni now fill six of the seven Missouri Supreme Court bench seats, including Chief Justice Mary Russell, ’83. Judge Gooch began her legal career as a law clerk for Mizzou Law alumna Ann Covington, ’77, the first woman to serve on the Missouri Supreme Court. Judge Gooch worked in private practice in the Springfield, Missouri area until she was appointed as a judge in the the Court of Appeals Southern District last year.

Oct. 17, 2023
Missouri Court of Appeals, Western District, to sit at University of Missouri School of Law in Columbia
KANSAS CITY. Mo. – The Missouri Court of Appeals, Western District, is scheduled to convene court Wednesday, November 8, 2023, at the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Law. The arguments will be held at Hulston Hall on campus. Beginning at 1:30 p.m., a three-judge panel consisting of Chief Judge Gary Witt, Judge Alok Ahuja and Judge Mark Pfeiffer will hear oral arguments in four cases on the docket. After the oral arguments, the judges will take time to discuss the court system, explain the proceedings and take general questions from the audience. Witt will preside over the proceedings at the…

Oct. 17, 2023
Faculty Spotlight — Meet Professor Andrea Boyack
Skydiving, visiting all 50 states, running the New York City Marathon, and writing a law school casebook — Floyd R. Gibson Endowed Professor Andrea Boyack has crossed off a number of her bucket list items in the last 20 years. Her professional experience is as varied as her bucket lists. After completing her undergraduate degree in Russian and international relations at Brigham Young University, Boyack initially had no intention of going to law school but took (and enjoyed!) the LSAT. She decided to go to law school when the Ford Foundation offered to pay for her master’s degree at…

Oct. 4, 2023
Professor Boyack Publishes Casebook on Real Estate Transactions
Professor Andrea Boyack joins with Professors Jim Kelly (Notre Dame), Robin Paul Malloy (Syracuse) and Jim Smith (Georgia) in authoring the 6th edition of one of the nation’s most popular real estate law casebooks: Real Estate Transactions: Problems, Cases and Materials (Aspen 2023). This casebook is concise and user friendly, providing students with the tools necessary to understand real estate transactions in a real-world market setting. It covers many real property and contract law materials tested on the Bar Exam and includes multiple practice applications in every chapter provide bridge to “real world” law practice and preparation for assessments…