David A. Fischer Publications

Academic Journals

Insufficient Causes, 94 KENTUCKY LAW JOURNAL 277 (2005-2006)

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Product Liability: A Commentary on the Liability of Suppliers of Component Parts and Raw Materials, 53 SOUTH CAROLINA LAW REVIEW 1137 (2002)

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Tort Recovery for Loss of a Chance, 36 WAKE FOREST LAW REVIEW 605 (2001)

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Teaching Torts Without Insurance: A Second-Best Solution, 45 SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY LAW JOURNAL 857 (2001)

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Successive Causes and the Enigma of Duplicated Harm, 66 TENNESSEE LAW REVIEW 1127 (1999)

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Proportional Liability: Statistical Evidence and the Probability Paradox, 46 VANDERBILT LAW REVIEW 1201 (1993)

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Causation in Fact in Omission Cases, 1992 UTAH LAW REVIEW 1335 (1992)

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Products Liability-Proximate Cause, Intervening Cause, and Duty, 52 MISSOURI LAW REVIEW 547 (1987)

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Tort Law: Expanding the Scope of Recovery Without Loss of Jury Control, 11 HOFSTRA LAW REVIEW 937 (1983)

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Products Liability–An Analysis of Market Share Liability, 34 VANDERBILT LAW REVIEW 1623 (1981)

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Products Liability–Functionally Imposed Strict Liability, 32 OKLAHOMA LAW REVIEW 93 (1979)

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Products Liability–Applicability of Comparative Negligence, 43 MISSOURI LAW REVIEW 431 (1978)

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Products Liability–Applicability of Comparative Negligence to Misuse and Assumption of the Risk, 43 MISSOURI LAW REVIEW 643 (1978)

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Fraudulently Induced Consent to Intentional Torts, 46 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI LAW REVIEW 71 (1977)

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Products Liability–The Meaning of Defect, 39 MISSOURI LAW REVIEW 339 (1974)

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Book Chapters/Collected Works

Liability Concerns in OWNER-AUTHORIZED HANDGUNS: A WORKSHOP SUMMARY, (The National Academies Press 2003)

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Products Liability: Cases and Materials with Richard Cupp, Michael Green, William Powers Jr., and Joseph Sanders, (5th ed., West Group 2013)

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Teacher’s Manual to Accompany Products Liability: Cases and Materials with Michael Green, William Powers Jr., and Joseph Sanders, (4th ed., West Group 2006)

Other Publications

Using Bayesian Belief Networks for Automated Legal Reasoning About Defective Design, with Armaly and Butler, 81 Proceedings of the ASME Design for Manufacturing Conference 55 (1995)

A Concurrent Engineering System for Legal Reasoning about Defective Design with Sethi and Butler, Proceedings of the 1995 ASME Computers in Engineering Conference 27

An Analysis of the Effect of Subsequent Alteration Upon Manufacturers Products Liability, Proceedings of the Southern Methodist University Products Liability Institute (Matthew Bender 1987)

Partial Settlements in Comparative Fault Cases, Products & Services Compliance Report (Greenwood Press, January 1987)

Rescue Doctrine in Strict Product Liability Cases, Products & Services Compliance Report (Greenwood Press, May 1986)

Professional Journals

A Comparative Study of Uncertainty Methods for Legal Reasoning with Woerner, Armaly and Butler, 13 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS 1269 (1999)

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A Fuzzy Model of Legal Reasoning for Concurrent Engineering with Woerner, Armaly and Butler, 6 CONCURRENT ENGINEERING 27 (1998)

Causation in Fact in Product Liability Failure to Warn Cases, 17 JOURNAL OF PRODUCTS AND TOXICS LIABILITY (1995)

New Settlement Statute: Its History and Effect, 40 JOURNAL OF THE MISSOURI BAR 13 (1984)

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Role of Misuse of Products Liability Litigation, 35 JOURNAL OF THE MISSOURI BAR 304 (1979)

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