Ilhyung Lee Publications

Academic Journals

Footnotes to Forefront, 83 OHIO STATE LAW JOURNAL ONLINE 148 (2022).

Access Publication:

The “Divisive Concepts” Laws and Americans of Asian Descent, 75 SMU LAW REVIEW FORUM 212 (2022)

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Covid-19 and the Continuing Asian American Moment: Narratives from the Midwest, 10 WAKE FOREST LAW REVIEW ONLINE 149 (2020).

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Tam Through the Lens of Brunetti: The SLANTS, FUCT, 69 EMORY LAW JOURNAL ONLINE 2001 (2020).

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Revisiting the Olympic Tie, 29 MARQUETTE SPORTS LAW REVIEW 227 (2018).

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Truth, Justice, and the Shaanxian Way: Revisiting The Story of Qiu Ju, 19 CARDOZO JOURNAL OF CONFLICT RESOLUTION 229 (2018).

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The Danish Question, the Mailman, and Justice Scalia: Examining the Group Play Tiebreaker Rules, 27 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA INTERDISCIPLINARY LAW JOURNAL 133 (2017).

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The American Aversion to Ties in Sport and Intercollegiate Wrestling’s Labyrinthine Rules, 47 SOUTHWESTERN LAW REVIEW 115 (2017).

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The Fifty-Eight Proceedings: Domain Name Disputes, Korean Parties, and WIPO Three-Member Panels, 23 UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW REVIEW 429 (2016).

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The Korea Database: WIPO-Administered UDRP Decisions, the First Fifteen Years (2000-2014), 15 CHICAGO-KENT JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 261 (2015).

Access Publication:

Essay: Legislating the Appearance of Equality in Korea: The Law and Politics of We-hwa-gahm, 28 PENNSYLVANIA STATE INTERNATIONAL LAW REVIEW 581 (2010).

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Korean Perception(s) of Equality and Equal Protection, 31 BOSTON COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL & COMPARATIVE LAW REVIEW 53 (2008)

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Practice and Predicament: The Nationality of the International Arbitrator (With Survey Results), 31 FORDHAM INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 603 (2008)

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The Law and Culture of the Apology in Korean Dispute Settlement (with Japan and the U.S. in Mind), 27 MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 1 (2005)

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In re Culture: The Cross-Cultural Negotiations Course in the Law School Curriculum, 20 OHIO STATE JOURNAL ON DISPUTE RESOLUTION 375 (2005)

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Equivalence at Law (and Society): Social Status in Korea, Race in America, 37 VANDERBILT JOURNAL OF TRANSNATIONAL LAW 109 (2004)

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Culturally-Based Copyright Systems?: The U.S. and Korea in Conflict, 79 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW QUARTERLY 1103 (2001)

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Toward an American Moral Rights in Copyright, 58 WASHINGTON & LEE LAW REVIEW 795 (2001)

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Race Consciousness and Minority Scholars, 33 CONNECTICUT LAW REVIEW 535 (2001)

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The Rookie Season, 39 SANTA CLARA LAW REVIEW 473 (1999)

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Expert Evidence in the Republic of Korea and Under the Federal Rules of Evidence: A Comparative Study, 19 LOYOLA OF LOS ANGELES INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW JOURNAL 585 (1997)

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Nomination of Derrick A. Bell, Jr. to be an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court : The Chronicles of a Civil Rights Activist, 22 OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 363 (1995)

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Professional Journals

Introducing International Commercial Arbitration and Its Lawlessness, by Way of the Dissenting Opinion, 4 no.1 CONTEMPORARY ASIA ARBITRATION JOURNAL 19 (2011)

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The Reform of Legal Education in East Asia, 4 ANNUAL REVIEW OF LAW & SOCIAL SCIENCE (2008)

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Intellectual Property Legal Education in Japan in the New Millennium:Observations and Lessons from the U.S. (2004), Institute of Intellectual Property (Japan)