Resources for Dispute Resolution

Welcome to the website of the University of Missouri Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution’s collection of resources about dispute resolution in legal education.

Faculty from many different schools have generously contributed materials to share on this website. Opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of the University of Missouri or the Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution.

If you would like to contribute syllabi or other materials, or if you have any suggestions to enhance this site, please contact Ilhyung Lee.

The Center operates a listserv to promote discussion of issues relevant to dispute resolution in legal education. It generally is limited to dispute resolution instructors, including visiting and adjunct professors, and it is intended to promote academic discussion and activities. Generally, it should not be used for announcements of commercial goods, services, events, etc.

Sending Messages to the Listserv

If you are a subscriber to the listserv, you can send a message to the listserv subscribers by sending an email to DRLE@PO.MISSOURI.EDU.

Subscribing to the Listserv

To subscribe to the list:

Messages on the Listserv

This list is not moderated.  In other words, subscribers can post messages without approval from anyone. To send a message, send an email to DRLE@PO.MISSOURI.EDU.

Subscribers who don’t want to read particular messages should simply delete them. Subscribers concerned about getting too many listserv messages can use the “digest” or “index” setting (preferably the html version) to get a single email collecting messages from the prior day. You can do this by clicking here or emailing Ilhyung Lee.

Subscribers are busy people who get a lot of email, so people sending messages should consider whether to send particular messages to the entire listserv or certain individuals.

There isn’t a consensus about whether certain messages or topics are appropriate for the listserv. If someone wants to post a message where the connection to conflict resolution or legal education isn’t obvious, the message should clearly and explicitly identify the conflict resolution or legal education issues involved and most of the discussion in the message should focus on those issues.

Handling Problems

We suggest the following steps if subscribers feel that someone is repeatedly sending messages that are outside the scope of the listserv and that do not comply with this policy.

  1. Contact the person privately and directly. We suggest a phone or video call because communications by email can unnecessarily aggravate tensions.
  2. Contact Ilhyung Lee privately, who may contact the person posting the messages.
  3. Post a respectful message on the listserv identifying the issue and asking for compliance with the policy.

If someone contacts you about your messages, please try to work out a reasonable solution that respects everyone’s interests.