Library & Information Science (JD/MLIS)

The School of Information Science and Learning Technologies (SISLT) and the School of Law offer an integrated program in which students may obtain both a Master’s of Library and Information Science (MLIS) degree from SISLT and a JD degree from the School of Law. Although an MLIS degree normally requires two years of study, and a JD requires three, many students will be able to complete the program in four years.

Application Procedure

Applicants to the Dual Degree Program must submit formal applications for admission to the School of Law and to SISLT accompanied by a statement requesting permission to pursue the Dual Degree Program. Students must meet the requirements for admission to both programs. Contact SISLT and the School of Law for further information on admissions requirements. Both applications and the request must normally be submitted before a student has substantially completed the requirements of either program. However, petitions requesting admission to the Dual Degree Program from students at more advanced stages in either program will be considered.

Degree Requirement Summary

The program outlined here meets requirements for the JD degree with 45 credit hours in required courses, 38 credit hours in elective courses within the School of Law, and 6 elective credit hours in Library and Information Science (LIS), for a total of 89 credit hours. Requirements for the MLIS are met with 33 credit hours of courses within SISLT and 6 elective credit hours within the School of Law. The detailed program of study in the library and information science is also subject to approval by the student’s SISLT adviser.


The curriculum has been designed so that law and essentials in SISLT are addressed, followed by specialized courses in the upper levels. Students in the dual-degree program will spend their first year at the law school taking the traditional first-year law school curriculum (30 credit hours). Students will spend their second year primarily taking SISLT courses (21 credit hours). In addition, students will be able to enroll in one or two law school courses in the fall, spring and summer (up to 12 credit hours). The law courses might include some of the required upper-level courses. In the two final years, students will split the time between the law school and SISLT.

School of Law Required Courses

89 hours required for graduation

1st Year

5010, 5015 Civil Procedure (5)

5020, 5025 Contracts (6)

5035 Criminal Law (4)

5040 Property I (3)

5070 Torts (4)

5080 Legal Research and Writing (3)

5085 Advocacy and Research (3)

5095 Lawyering (2)

2nd Year

5220 Constitutional Law (4)

5260 Evidence (4)

2nd or 3rd Year

5045 Property II (3)

5240 Criminal Procedure (3)

5280 Professional Responsibility (3)

Law electives – 42 credits

*Students who are dismissed and readmitted or who otherwise are placed on probation at the end of the fall semester will be required to take Legal Reasoning, a course designed to assist students in meeting the graduation requirements. Those students in Legal Reasoning will not take Advocacy & Research until their second year.

Recommended Law School Electives

Students must take a total of 89 credit hours to graduate, at least 83 of which must be law school credit hours. It is recommended that at least 6 credit hours of electives should be taken from the following list:

5310 Administrative Law (1-3)
5320 Advanced Legal Research (1-2)
5337 American Legal History to 1876 (1-3)
5338 American Legal History from 1876 (1-3)
5455 Copyright Law (1-3)
5534 Electronic Discovery (1-3)
5590 Freedom of Speech and Assn. (1-3)
5640 Intellectual Property (1-3)
5641 Intellectual Property Licensing (1-3)
5677 Internet Law and Practice (1-3)

5690 Jurisprudence (1-3)
5720 Law and Literature (1-3)
5725 Law and Social Science (1-3)
5725 Law and Society (1-3)
5745 Legislation (1-3)
5820 Patent Law and Policy (1-3)
5875 Research in Law (may be taken in conjunction with IS&LT 9085 Problems in Information Science and Learning Technologies)

Information Sciences and Learning Technologies

39 hours required for graduation

Students must take a total of at least 33 credit hours of IS&LT credit and 6 elective law credit hours. The detailed program of study is subject to approval by the student’s IS&LT adviser and by the Director of Graduate Studies.

7301 Introduction to Information Technology (3) OR 7320 Emerging Technologies in Libraries (3)
7305 Foundations of Library and Information Science (3)
7302 Organization of Information (3) OR 7312 Principles of Cataloging and Classification (3)
7313 Managing Collections and Access (3)
7314 Reference Sources and Services (3)
7315 Management of Information Agencies (3)

For the most current information on courses and requirements, please visit

Law Library Practicum

JD/MLIS dual degree candidates are also encouraged to take IS&LT 7381 Practicum in an Information Agency (2-3 credit hours). The practicum assignment must be in a law library. Students who successfully complete a graduate law library assistantship at the University of Missouri School of Law Library are not required to take IS&LT 7381.

Library and Information Science Electives

LIS electives must include 15 credit hours of courses at the 9000 level or higher. Recommended IS&LT 9000 level or higher electives for the JD/MLIS include, but are not limited to:

9454 Copyright in Libraries (3)
9408 Information Policy (3)
9407 Intellectual Freedom and Its Discontents (3)
9413 Management of Electronic Resources (3)
9085 Problems (may be taken in conjunction with Law 5875 (Research in Law)

Towards the fulfillment of these credit hours, JD/MLIS candidates may take IS&LT 9085 Problems (Independent directed study on a topic in information science and learning technologies) in conjunction with 5875 Research. The law faculty member overseeing 5875 Research shall be responsible for determining whether the project satisfies the requirements of 5875 Research, considering those requirements as they apply to all other law students. Generally, credit under 5875 Research is appropriate only for a paper of substantial length on a topic related to law.


  1. Students whose prior background does not allow them to undertake the program specified above may be admitted contingent on their completing additional courses for which they may not receive graduate credit.
  2. The School of Law cannot award credit for any class taken before matriculation at the School of Law. Dual Degree candidates must, therefore, enroll at the School of Law before taking any IS&LT courses to be counted toward the JD degree.
  3. Dual degree candidates who subsequently decide to pursue only the MLIS or the JD degree must complete the degree program in its entirety and subject to the same rules and requirements as students not pursuing a dual degree.
  4. Law students who receive credit under the Dual Degree Program for taking IS&LT courses may not receive credit for taking other classes outside the School of Law.
  5. Student honors and class ranks at the School of Law will be computed on classes enrolled in as law courses.
  6. The listing of courses does not constitute a binding commitment that the courses will be offered during the student’s course of study or that the graduation requirements will remain unchanged.
  7. Students in the dual-degree program are subject to the same rules and regulations that apply to all students at the School of Law and the School of Information Science and Learning Technologies. The School of Information Science and Learning Technologies and the School of Law reserve the right to limit participation in the program, including dismissal. Those interested are encouraged to submit a request for permission to participate in the program, along with applications for admission, at the earliest possible time.