Michael A. Middleton Center Law Student Fellowship

Fellowship Overview:

The fellowship may be used to attend legal conferences; access research materials; supplement housing costs for work in a non-profit or government employment opportunity; supplement compensation for work in non-profit, government, or educational opportunities or for any other purpose that is consistent with the purpose and mission of the Middleton Center.  The funds may not be used for any purpose that is inconsistent with the values or mission of the University of Missouri or the School of Law.

Law Student Fellow Requirements:

Each Middleton Center Law Student Fellow will be required to satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Attend at least two (2) of the Center’s public presentations during the academic year.
  2. Attend at least one (1) of the internal Faculty Scholars’ presentations.
  3. Attend monthly Law Fellows meetings, which will not be held during the Fall or Spring final exam period, with the cohort (3 per semester);
  4. Prepare a research topic and plan to present at the final monthly meeting; and
  5. Identify a research mentor by the end of the year.

Application and Selection Process:

Fellowship applications for entering first year students will be open beginning January 21, 2025.  Students who wish to be considered for The Middleton Fellowship must submit a completed application by 5 p.m. March 1, 2025.  Applicants must submit the following documents:    

  1. Completed Application
  2. Personal Essay
  3. Resume or CV
  4. Recommendation

The Fellowship Selection Committee will interview applicants selected for consideration.  Submit application materials to Jeff Turnbull at turnbullj@missouri.edu by March 1, 2025.    

To download an application form, click below.