Admitted Students Day

Every year we invite all our newly admitted students to the University of Missouri School of Law’s Admitted Students Day! We look forward to meeting and getting to know you better.

This event in Columbia will actually be TWO days! Registration is free, but required for students attending.


Schedule of Events

Memorial Stadium – Walsworth Family Columns Club

5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Admitted Students Reception

Meet and mingle with future classmates, faculty, staff, and alumni. Truman the Tiger will be there too

In Hulston Hall

8:00 a.m. Check in and Breakfast

Enjoy coffee and #PancakesForRoger (courtesy of the Veterans Clinic) and greet your fellow students.

9:00 a.m. Welcome – JR Swanegan, Assistant Dean of Enrollment Management & Financial Aid

The Admissions team welcomes you to the University of Missouri School of Law!

9:15 a.m. Mizzou Law and You – Paul Litton, Dean and R. B. Price Professor of Law

How faculty and staff support students academically at Mizzou Law

9:45 a.m. Career Development Office – Jenn McGarr, Assistant Dean for Career Development and Student Services

Partnering with Career Development to achieve your professional goals

10:00 a.m. Break

10:15 a.m. Mock Class – Rigel Oliveri, Isabella Wade and Paul C. Lyda Professor of Law

A lecture, both informative and entertaining

11:15 a.m. Practical Experiences – Staff of the Veterans, Criminal Practice, Entrepreneurship, and Child & Family Justice Clinics

Learn how these programs can help you become a better advocate

11:45 a.m. Lunch – Concurrent Sessions:

– Faculty host small groups of Students

Professors’ advice to new law students

– How to support your student

Helpful tips and advice for friends and family as your student transitions into law school

1:15 p.m. Student Panel – Current students

Life at Mizzou Law

2:00 p.m. Closing Remarks – JR Swanegan

Admissions Staff and Student Ambassadors will be available for individual, informal Q&A immediately following

We hope you can make both events, but please let us know which days you will be attending and how many guests you will bring. To have the most accurate count, please let us know if cannot attend.

Hotel Rooms

Mizzou Law has reserved room blocks in several Columbia hotels for Admitted Students Day attendees. All hotels are within a short walk or drive to campus.


Thursday, Feb. 20:

You may park in Lot J (West side of the Hearnes Center, across Mick Deaver Memorial Dr. from Faurot Field) and Lot K (South side of the Hearnes Center) for our event. 

Friday, Feb. 21:

*Only attendees of Admitted Students Day are eligible for the one-day parking voucher on Feb. 21.

Click on:  

Click on: ‘Purchase Event Permit’  

Agree to the ‘Parking Terms of Service’

Choose: ‘1 Day’ Event

Choose Event ‘MU Law Admitted Students Day’

Enter Voucher Code: MULAWAdmit25

Click on: Apply Voucher 

Click on: ‘EVENT TURNER/HITT 1 DAY NO COST‘   (Department Pay)

Click on: Add Vehicle 

  1. Plate # 
  2. State 
  3. Make 

Add email to get receipt of event registration